
Support students in Münster and Steinfurt

Would you like to make a targeted contribution to making studying easier for students in Münster and Steinfurt? You can help directly and effectively with a donation to Studierendenwerk Münster. Your financial support will flow immediately into projects that benefit students and improve their study conditions.

Donation account

Account holder: Studierendenwerk Münster AöR
IBAN: DE61 4005 0150 0000 0592 95

Confirmation of donation

Your donation to the Studierendenwerk Münster is tax deductible. You can deduct up to 20 percent of your income as a special expense. Please state your name and address when making the transfer so that we can issue you with a donation receipt. This confirmation is required for tax purposes.


Frequently asked questions about donations

You can make a donation directly to the Studierendenwerk Münster via our donation account. The account details are

Account holder: Studierendenwerk Münster AöR
IBAN: DE61 4005 0150 0000 0592 95

Your donation will be invested directly and effectively in projects that make studying easier for students in Münster and Steinfurt. We use the funds to improve study conditions and support students’ specific needs.

Your donation to the Studierendenwerk Münster is tax deductible. You can deduct up to 20% of your income as a special expense. So that we can issue you with a donation receipt, please state your name and address on the bank transfer. This confirmation is necessary for the tax deduction of your donation.