Apartment (furnished)

Due to the different apartment types, we cannot show all apartments with photos. The photos are for general information only and do not necessarily reflect the respective apartment.

The following furnished apartment types are available:

4 apartments of 22.05 sqm, type 1, location: ground floor

4 apartments of 22.12 sqm, type 2, location: ground floor

12 apartments of 22.21 sqm, type 8, location: 1st to 3rd floor

2 apartments of 23.78 sqm, type 4, location: ground floor

6 apartments of 23.86 sqm, type 10, location: 1st to 3rd floor

2 apartments of 23.91 sqm, type 6, location: ground floor

2 apartments of 23.94 sqm, type 10a, location: 4th floor

12 apartments of 25.12 sqm, type 7, location: 1st to 3rd floor

4 apartments of 27.32 sqm, type 14, location: 4th floor


Wet cell/bathroom (shower, toilet, washbasin) + mini kitchen; telephone and internet as well as cable TV connections;

Lifts, washing machines and tumble dryers (at a fee), outdoor garden areas, parking spaces (at a fee), bicycle stands, bike boxes (at a fee);

Year of construction:


Bus connection:

Bus nos. 5 + 11 + 22

Person responsible:

Ms. Grüß
Fon: 0251/ 83 794 80
E-mail: [email protected]

Property manager:

Mr. Heidmann
Fon/Fax 0251/ 83 791 80
E-mail: [email protected]


22.05 - 27.32 m2
€ 380.84

Price (including heating) *


Utility costs


Housing units


units currently available

over 6 months

Waiting time

* All utility costs, electricity cost, cable TV and internet fees are included in the rent.
The tenants have to pay the licence fee for TV and radio to the fee collection agency of the public broadcasters (ARD ZDF Deutschlandradio Beitragsservice) themselves.