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Studi Kidz Café – book exchange and reading afternoon

Do you have a favorite book? Bring it along and we’ll read it together. Perhaps you would also like to bring books to swap? Children and student parents browse, swap, read and play together. The Studi-Kidz-Café is an open games meeting for student parents and their children. This is a free event organized by the Studi-Kidz-Café team – the equal opportunities offices of the University of Münster, the family service of University of Applied Sciences Münster and its ASten in cooperation with the Studierendenwerk. Networking, information, fun and games! Info & contact at bik@stw-muenster.de

14.03.2025 15:00
Seminar room Wilhelmskamp
Steinfurter Street 77
Minster, 48149 Germany

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