Student financing

Find the right financing for your studies

A new chapter is beginning and you are facing exciting challenges when you start university. In addition to the freedom and independence that this stage of life brings, new financial obligations also arise – be it rent for your first apartment, semester fees or everyday living expenses.

So that you can concentrate fully on your studies, we offer you various financing options for your individual situation.

BAföG Antrag


Your financial support for carefree studies

The most affordable way to finance your studies. BAföG is a promise of state support on the way to your degree and secures your livelihood so that you can concentrate fully on your studies – with up to €992 per month.

Study start-up aid

Your start to your studies made easy

Studienstarthilfe supports you with a one-off grant of €1,000 to make it easier for you to start your studies. This support is aimed at students who previously received certain social benefits. This allows you to concentrate fully on your new phase of life without any financial worries.

Studienfinanzierung Gespräch
Daka Darlehen

Daka loan

Interest-free student loan from the Studierendenwerke

A loan from the Student Services Loan Fund (Daka) can help you manage your studies financially with up to €12,000 interest-free support. The Daka loan is a valuable supplement, especially during intensive study phases when you are unable to work part-time.

Emergency assistance

Support in special situations

As Studierendenwerk Münster, we offer you various emergency aid options if you get into financial difficulties. This includes the emergency grant, a one-off grant of €496.00 that does not have to be repaid.

The emergency scholarship is aimed at students in temporary financial need. In addition, we offer interest-free loans and support with free meals to ensure that you can continue your studies despite unexpected challenges.


Frequently asked questions about student financing

The Studierendenwerk offers a range of emergency assistance, including emergency grants of €496.00, which do not have to be repaid, as well as interest-free loans and support with free meals. The application for the emergency grant is made in a personal interview. Please bring your current semester certificate, bank statements from the last three months and a written description of your financial situation.

The emergency grant of €496.00 is a one-off grant for students in a temporary emergency and does not have to be repaid. To apply for it, please arrange a personal appointment where you can explain your current financial situation and bring the necessary documents with you: bank statements for the last three months, a current semester certificate and a written description of your financial situation.

The “treasure trove” offers donated clothing for adults, kitchen and household items as well as baby and children’s clothing and toys. The stock varies. You will find the “Treasure Trove” in the premises of the Counselling / International Affairs / Culture department at Bismarckallee 3.

You can easily apply for BAföG online. You can find all the information and the necessary forms on our BAföG page. We are also happy to answer any questions you may have in person.

Yes, it is possible to use other financial aid such as scholarships, loans or job offers in addition to BAföG. However, make sure that this does not affect your BAföG funding.

Yes, the Studierendenwerk Münster also supports international students with various financing options, including special loans and emergency aid.

Yes, there are special offers such as the children’s plate pass and support with childcare. We also have housing options for students with children.