Study start-up aid

Your start to your studies made easy

The study start-up grant is a new, one-off lump-sum grant of €1,000 that can be applied for from 01.09.2024. It is intended to make it easier for people who previously received certain social benefits to take up a course of study.

  • The study start-up grant amounts to € 1,000.00
  • One-off grant and does not have to be repaid
  • Is not offset against other social benefits
  • Must be applied for by the end of the second month after the start of the course
Studienfinanzierung Flyer des Studierendenwerk Münster

Who can receive the study start-up grant?

Persons who are not yet 25 years old and were first enrolled for full-time studies at a university on or after 25.07.2024.

You must have received one of the following social benefits in the month before the start of your studies:

  • Citizen’s income
  • Assistance with living expenses
  • Basic income support in old age and in the event of reduced earning capacity
  • Benefits under the social compensation law for living expenses
  • Supplementary assistance for living expenses
  • Benefits for asylum seekers
  • Child supplement (BKKG)
  • Housing benefit
  • Child and youth welfare without cost sharing by parents

Apply for study start aid

From 01.09.2024, you can easily apply for the study start-up grant online. Use the grant to secure your start to your studies financially and ensure that you can concentrate fully on your education.

Please note: The application must be submitted by the end of the second month after the start of your studies. Prepare all the necessary documents to ensure that the process runs smoothly.

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Frequently asked questions about study start-up assistance

The Studienstarthilfe is a one-off grant of €1,000 that can be applied for from 01.09.2024. It is aimed at people who have received certain social benefits and is intended to make it easier to start studying.

The study start-up grant is available to people who are under the age of 25 and were first enrolled for full-time studies at a university on or after 25.07.2024. In addition, certain social benefits must have been received in the month before the start of studies, such as citizen’s allowance, housing benefit or asylum seeker benefits.

No, the study start-up grant is a one-off grant that does not have to be repaid.

No, the study start-up grant is not offset against other social benefits.

The application for study start aid must be submitted by the end of the second month after the start of your studies. It is important to prepare all the necessary documents in good time.

From 01.09.2024, you can easily apply for the study start-up grant online using the application form.