Kita Tausendfüßler

The Tausendfüßler daycare center is located near the Aasee and the zoo, with good transport connections to the city center and the train station. The daycare center currently offers care in six groups, each with eight children aged between one and three years. The dedicated team consists of a manager, 14 educators, a nurse, a nanny and a cook, who work together to provide loving and individual care.

Kita Tausendfüßler
Kita Tausendfüßler

Pedagogical orientation

Childcare at Kita Tausendfüßler is based on a pedagogical concept that aims to promote children’s personal development.

Situation-oriented approach
  • The topics, needs and interests of the children are the focus of the educational work.
  • The teachers are oriented towards the children’s living environment and adapt their work flexibly to current situations and needs.
  • Children’s emotions and feelings are taken into account and incorporated into the daily work.
  • As a team, we are currently taking the time to familiarize ourselves with the Emmi Pikler pedagogy, which was developed specifically for the U3 sector.

Cooperation with parents

Cooperation with parents and families is an important part of the concept at Kita Tausendfüßler. Communication between parents and educational staff based on trust and partnership makes it possible to discuss mutual expectations, individual concerns and possible worries or fears and to ensure the best possible care for the child together.

Kita Tausendfüßler

Opening hours

Closing days

  • Rose Monday: 3.3.2025
  • Company outing: 21.3.2025
  • Bridge day: 10.6.2025
  • Summer vacation: 4.8.2025 – 22.8.2025
  • Disinfection day: 23.8.2025
  • Christmas vacations: 23.12.2025 – 2.1.2026
Kita Tausendfüßler

Learning and growing through play

At Kita Tausendfüßler, we attach great importance to the holistic development of children. This is achieved through a comprehensive concept that includes learning through play, creative activities and targeted support measures. For the under-threes in particular, we offer specially tailored activities that support their social and emotional development. These activities give the children the opportunity to make their first social contacts and gain important emotional experience.

We also integrate targeted movement development into our daily routine. Through movement activities, we not only promote the little ones’ motor skills, but also their self-confidence and body awareness. In this way, we create a space in which the children learn through play to express themselves and move safely in their environment. All these elements contribute significantly to positive and comprehensive development, which is of great importance for the children’s future.

Sample daily routine

Admission criteria and registration

The Kita Tausendfüßler is primarily aimed at students who are registered and studying in Münster, but families from the surrounding area are also very welcome. The following criteria are also taken into account when allocating places:

  • Siblings
  • Lack of family support
  • Single parents
  • Date of registration

If you would like to register your child, you can do so via the City of Münster’s Kita Navigator.

Kita Tausendfüßler

Frequently asked questions about Kita Tausendfüßler

Kita Tausendfüßler is based on the Emmi Pikler pedagogy and the situation-oriented approach:

  • Emmi-Pikler pedagogy: This method promotes children’s own initiative through a stimulating environment and attentive caregivers. Children should be able to become active independently according to their stage of development.
  • Situation-oriented approach: This approach is based on the topics, needs and interests of the children. The teachers adapt their work flexibly to current situations and needs and incorporate the children’s emotions and feelings into their educational work.

Closing times are determined annually. The facility is closed during the summer vacations (three weeks), over Christmas and New Year and on team days (2-4 days per year).

  • Premises: Each group has a play, sleeping, toilet and changing area. There is also an exercise room, a large hallway, an office, a kitchen and a car room/storage room.
  • Outdoor facilities: Three playgrounds, two of which have covered sandpits, a nest swing, teepee, bobby car track, seesaw animal, play equipment for climbing and sliding as well as sun protection such as parasols and awnings.
  • Fixed rituals: Free play, mealtimes, care and rest times are offered to promote the children’s independence and well-being.

Cooperation with parents is an important part of the daycare center’s work. Value is placed on trusting and cooperative communication. The parents’ council consists of one member of the parents’ council and one representative from each group.

The parental contribution is based on proof of income and is determined by the Youth Welfare Office. Further information can be found in the parental contribution table of the City of Münster.