About us

The Studierendenwerk Münster

We support around 60,000 students in Münster and Steinfurt and ensure that their studies are not only successful, but also socially secure.

Since our foundation in 1922 as a “self-help organization by students for students”, we have developed into a modern service provider. With around 600 dedicated employees, we create living space, provide healthy and affordable meals every day, advise on student finance and support students in difficult life situations.

Our aim is to play an active role in shaping social life at universities and to support students in every situation.

Über uns

What we do for you

Wohnanlage Bismarckallee 47b-d


Over 5,300 affordable places to live for students.

Mensa Da Vinci


Serving around 15,000 meals a day in our canteens, cafés and bistros.

Beratung mit Kind

Studying with a child

Support and advice services for students with children.

Bereich Kitas


78 under three years and 40 over three years childcare places for the children of students.



Support with BAföG, training loans and in difficult life situations.

Internationales Connect with Nature


Organization of a variety of cultural events for students.



Promoting the exchange of all nations and languages through intercultural events.

Tagungsräume des Studierendenwerk Münster


Attractive rooms, comprehensive service and overnight accommodation for conference guests.

Studierendenwerk Münster Hauptgebäude

Your reliable partner

We focus on your needs. We are constantly adapting our services to changing living and study conditions so that you can study successfully. Students play an active role in shaping our business policy on the Board of Directors.

Our network

All 57 Studierendenwerke in Germany are networked in the association Deutsches Studierendenwerk (DSW). You can find more information on the DSW website.

Legal basis and social contribution

Our work is based on the “Law on Student Services in the State of North Rhine-Westphalia”. We are an institution under public law (AöR) and a member of the Paritätischer Wohlfahrtsverband. We finance our services through subsidies from the state, our own income and the social contributions of students. Even though subsidies are stagnating and costs are rising, we do everything we can to keep the social contribution as low as possible for you.

Management and organization

The Studierendenwerk is headed by Dr. Christoph Holtwisch as Managing Director. He is supported by the Administrative Board, which consists of nine members – including four students, university representatives, two employees of the Studierendenwerk and one person from public life with special skills.

The Board of Directors appoints the Managing Director, monitors his activities and approves the business plan. It adopts the annual financial statements, accepts the annual report of the management and appoints the auditor.

Members of the Board of Directors (2023-2025)

  • Madita Fester (Chairwoman)
    Students of the University of Münster
  • Florian Becker
    Student at the University of Münster
  • Mirjam Holle
    Students at the University of Münster
  • Marc Wiegand
    Student at the University of Applied Sciences Münster
  • Guido Brebaum
    Chancellor of the University of Applied Sciences Münster
  • Social pedagogue Nadine Pantel
    Employee at the International Office of University of Applied Sciences Münster / Public figure
  • Dr. Michael Quante
    Vice-Rector for International Affairs, Transfer and Sustainability at the University of Münster
  • Markus Becker
    Employee of the Studierendenwerk Münster
  • Cathrin Fahrig
    Employee of the Studierendenwerk Münster
Your point of contact for all matters
Contact persons
Service offers for advertising measures
Support for students in Münster and Steinfurt
Working together for a green future

Frequently asked questions about Studierendenwerk Münster

Studierendenwerk Münster is a non-profit service provider with around 600 employees from over 30 nations. Since our foundation in 1922 as a self-help organization, we have been taking care of everything that makes students’ lives easier – from accommodation to catering and advice.

No, we are an independent company and have been organized as an institution under public law since the 1970s.

The social contribution helps to finance social services for students. In addition to subsidies from the state and income from the Studierendenwerk, your contribution is necessary to maintain our services.

The Studierendenwerk Administrative Board, on which students are also represented, determines the amount of the social contribution.

Your social contribution goes directly towards financing all social services provided by the Studierendenwerk.

No, the semester ticket is negotiated by the student body of the University of Münster, represented by the AStA, in negotiations with Stadtwerke Münster and Deutsche Bahn.