Emergency assistance

Support in special situations

Sometimes you run into financial difficulties or unexpected emergencies during your studies. In such moments, the Studierendenwerk Münster is there to help you.

We would like to support you with a range of emergency aid so that you can concentrate on the essentials again: your studies. Whether you need financial support, donations in kind or advice – don’t hesitate to contact us if you need help. Together we will find a solution.


Emergency scholarship

One-off subsidy for cases of particular hardship

In special exceptional situations, a one-off grant of €496.00 may be awarded, which does not have to be repaid. However, there is no entitlement. You can obtain further information in a consultation with the department Counselling – International Affairs – Culture (BIK).

Emergency loan

Interest-free loan for students in need

The emergency loan is aimed at students who find themselves in an unforeseeable emergency through no fault of their own and who do not receive any other state benefits such as BAföG. The maximum amount of the loan is € 1,500.00. It must be repaid in individually agreed monthly installments. You can obtain further information in a consultation with the department Counselling – International Affairs – Culture (BIK).

You can find further financing offers from the General Student Committees (AStA) of the universities.

Aufladung der MensaCard

Free table

Free top-up of the MensaCard

If you find yourself in a financial emergency, you can get a free top-up of your MensaCard worth €50.00 from us. The prerequisite for this is that your current credit balance on your MensaCard or student ID card is less than €10.00. You can apply for this top-up during a consultation in the department Counselling – International Affairs – Culture (BIK).

Required documents

Household goods and clothing

By students for students

At Bismarckallee 3 in Münster, you will find our “treasure chamber”, a room where you can both make and receive donations. Here you will find a variety of useful items provided by students for students.

The “treasure trove” offers clothing for adults, baby and children’s clothing, kitchen and household items as well as toys. If you need something or have something to spare, please drop by and support your fellow students.

Schatzkammer des Studierendenwerk Münster

Frequently asked questions about emergency assistance

All students enrolled at the universities in Münster who find themselves in a financial emergency can make use of the emergency assistance provided by the Studierendenwerk Münster. The situation will be examined in detail during a consultation.

An emergency scholarship is granted as a one-off grant in cases of particular hardship. To apply for the scholarship, please arrange a consultation with the Counselling / International Affairs / Culture department, where your situation will be assessed.

The emergency loan can be up to 1,500.00 euros. It is an interest-free loan that is granted after an intensive case-by-case assessment. Repayment is made in individually agreed monthly installments. To apply, you must submit bank statements from the last three months, your current semester certificate, an ID card or passport and a detailed written description of your social and financial situation. In addition, your examination results must be average and the application can only be submitted from the 2nd semester onwards. Other state benefits such as BAföG may not be received.

To receive a free top-up of your MensaCard worth €50, you must submit copies of your bank statements from the last three months, a copy of your current semester certificate and the completed free table application.

At the “Schatzkammer” in Bismarckallee 3 in Münster, you can both hand in and receive donations in kind. There you will find clothes for adults, baby and children’s clothes, household items and toys. If you need something or would like to donate something, please drop by.

Yes, you can get advice anonymously. Studierendenwerk Münster attaches great importance to confidentiality and data protection. Your data and concerns will be treated confidentially and will only be used to provide the necessary assistance.

The processing time depends on the type of aid requested. While donations in kind are usually available immediately, the assessment of emergency loans and grants requires some time. In urgent cases, however, we endeavor to find a quick solution.